Yoyofactory Velocity Review

Posted on May 25, 2011


YYF Velocity Stats:
Diameter: 2.20″
Width: 1.41″
Response System: Central Bearing Co – CBC Slim Pad
Slim Pad Size 19mm OD
Weight: 62.4 grams
Bearing Size: Size A

The Yoyofactory Velocity is a great entree level yoyo for a beginner that doesnt want a cheap duncan. But wants a long spinning, ball bearing yoyo. This yoyo saves money for beginners thanks to the dials. The dials can change the yoyo from responsive, to unresponsive in just seconds! Sounds unbelieveable but it is true. All you have to do is turn the dials which moves the recess area closer in or out so its flush with the yoyo. The yoyo has a narrow shape which allows easy string catches aswell a awesome shape for those beginners. It comes standard with spacers and a size A bearing. Which I would consider as a downside, because Yoyofactory is known for having the bearings and spacers that take FOREVER to come out. And im sure that any beginner who cops this yoyo, will have no clue on how to take them out. Other than that this yoyo is awesome. Its alright for finger grinds, dont bother trying thumb grinds, and yeah. Yoyofactory Velocity. The best entree level yoyo for beginners. Cause once they turn pro, they can make it unresponsive.